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1. What is an operating system?

An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.

02. Explain the main functions of an operating system.

Operating system performs the following functions:

1. Process Manangement :
  • Task Scheduling: The OS decides which processes should run and when, managing the execution order to optimize CPU usage.
  • Creation and Termination: The OS creates, terminates, and manages processes, including allocating resources and maintaining the process life cycle.
2. Memory management:
  • Memory Allocation: The OS allocates memory to processes and programs, ensuring that each process has enough memory to execute.
  • Virtual Memory: The OS creates the illusion of having more memory than the system actually has, by using disk space to simulate RAM.
3. File System Management:
  • File Creation and Deletion: The OS creates and deletes files and directories, and manages the file system structure.
  • File Access Control: Manages permissions and access control to ensure the security and integrity of files and data.
4. Device Management:
  • Device Drivers: The OS manages device drivers, which are programs that control the devices connected to the computer.
  • Interrupt Handling: The OS handles interrupts, which are signals sent to the CPU by external devices to request attention.
5. Security:
  • User Authentication: The OS authenticates users to ensure that only authorized users can access the system.
  • User Authorization: The OS authorizes users to ensure that each user has the correct permissions to access the system.

03. Describe the difference between a process and a thread.

Here's a tabular representation highlighting the key differences between a process and a thread:

DefinitionAn independent program with its own memory space, resources, and state.A lightweight unit of a process, sharing the same resources and memory space with other threads in the same process.
ExecutionEach process runs independently of others, in its own memory space.Threads within a process share the same memory space and resources, running concurrently.
CommunicationInter-process communication is typically achieved through mechanisms like message passing or shared memory.Threads within the same process communicate directly using shared data and variables.
Creation OverheadHigher overhead in terms of resources and time due to separate memory space and resources.Lower overhead as threads share resources and memory within the same process.
Resource IsolationProcesses are isolated; changes in one process do not affect others.Threads within the same process share resources, and changes in one thread may affect others.
Fault ToleranceMore fault-tolerant since a failure in one process does not affect others.Less fault-tolerant as a failure in one thread may affect the entire process.
ScalabilityGenerally less scalable due to the overhead of managing separate processes.More scalable as threads within a process can be managed more efficiently.
Context SwitchingContext switching between processes is generally more expensive.Context switching between threads within the same process is less expensive.
ExampleRunning multiple instances of a word processor, each with its own memory space.A web browser with multiple threads for handling user input, rendering, and network communication.

04. What are the differences between multiprogramming, multitasking, and multiprocessing?

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between multiprogramming, multitasking, and multiprocessing:

Basic ConceptMultiple programs are loaded into memory simultaneously, and CPU switches between them to increase CPU utilization.A single CPU executes multiple tasks concurrently by rapidly switching between them.Multiple processors (or CPU cores) execute tasks simultaneously.
CPU UtilizationAims to maximize CPU utilization by keeping it busy with different programs.Aims to maximize CPU utilization by allowing the CPU to switch rapidly between tasks.Aims to maximize overall system throughput by executing multiple tasks in parallel on multiple processors.
Resource SharingResources such as memory and I/O devices are shared among multiple programs.Resources are shared among multiple tasks running on a single CPU.Resources are shared among multiple tasks running on multiple processors.
ConcurrencyAchieves concurrency by interleaving the execution of multiple programs.Achieves concurrency by rapidly switching between different tasks.Achieves true parallelism by having multiple processors working on different tasks simultaneously.
ExamplesRunning multiple text editors, compilers, or applications concurrently.Running a web browser, music player, and word processor concurrently on a single CPU.Running scientific simulations, video rendering, and database queries concurrently on a system with multiple processors.
Hardware ImpactCan be implemented on a system with a single CPU.Can be implemented on a system with a single CPU or multiple CPUs.Requires multiple processors or CPU cores in the system.

These distinctions highlight the key features and goals of multiprogramming, multitasking, and multiprocessing, providing a clearer understanding of their roles in enhancing system performance and resource utilization.