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Cycle detection In Undirected Graph

▶️ Using DFS algorithm


For finding a cycle in undirected graph , be it any of dfs or bfs traversals, we have to maintain a visited array.

Now when we do the traversal, and find the adjacent node of the current node already visited, then the case of the cycle arises👍It is a cycle if and only if the adjacent node has already been visited and is not the parent of the current node.

DFS algorithm

    class Solution {
bool isCycle_Check(int vertex , int parent ,vector<int> adj[] , vector<int>& visited){
// mark the current node as visited
visited[vertex] = true ;

for(auto it: adj[vertex]){
// if the adjacent node has not been visited then mark it as visited
if(isCycle_Check(it, vertex , adj ,visited)) return true ;
// if the adjacent node has been visited and it is not the parent of the current node
// then we can say that yes we have found a cycle in the graph
else if(it != parent) return true ;

return false ;

public :
// Function to detect cycle in an undirected graph.
bool isCycle(int V, vector<int> adj[]) {
// Code here

vector<int> visited(V+1,0) ;

for(int i = 0 ; i < V ;i++){
if(isCycle_Check(i ,-1 ,adj ,visited )) return true ;
return false ;

BFS algorithm

using namespace std ;

// lets do a bfs traversal
// now if in the traversal if we find a node that has been visited and is not the parent
// of the current node then we can say that yes we have found a cycle in the graph

bool detect(int source , vector<vector<int>> &graph , vector<int> &visited){

// mark the current node as visited
visited[source] = 1 ;
// make a queue which stores the pair of current node and its parent node
queue<pair<int, int>> q ;
// store the first node along with its parent as -1
q.push({source , -1}) ;
// current node
int node = q.front().first ;
// parent node
int parent = q.front().second ;
// after traversing the current node make sure that we pop out the node
// this ensures that we do not visit that node again

// now go in the current node and find its adjacent node
for(auto adjacentNode : graph[node]){
// if the adjacent node has not been visited then mark it as visited
visited[adjacentNode] = 1 ;
q.push({adjacentNode , node}) ;
// now if the adjacent node has been visited and it is not the parent node
// then surely this means that we have a cycle present in the graph
else if(parent != adjacentNode){
// so return true if there is a cycle
return true ;

return false ;

bool bfs(vector<vector<int>> &graph , int m ){
vector<int> visited(graph.size() + 1, 0) ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < graph.size() ; i++){
if(detect(i , graph , visited)) return true ;

return false ;

int main(){
int n , m ;
cin >> n >> m ;

vector<vector<int>> graph(n+1) ;

for(int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++){
int u , v ;
cin >> u >>v ;
graph[u].push_back(v) ;
graph[v].push_back(u) ;

cout<<bfs(graph , m)<<endl ;

return 0 ;