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Topological Sort

  • Topological sort means linear ordering of the graph
  • In this every node that occurs before a node in the graph must occur before its next node in the linear ordering of the graph .
  • only valid for directed acyclic graphs
  • if a graph contains cycle then if cannot have topological sort .

We will be using a dfs traversal to find the topological sort

  • So the intuition is that after the completion of the dfs call for a node , when we backtrack we will add that node in the stack and this will make sure that the nodes are added in the linear order of their apprearance .

Code for it 👍

class Solution

void topologicalSortDfs(int node , vector<int> &visited , vector<int> adj[] , stack<int> &st){
visited[node] = 1 ;

for(auto it : adj[node]){
if(visited[it] == 0){
topologicalSortDfs(it,visited,adj,st) ;
st.push(node) ;


//Function to return list containing vertices in Topological order.
vector<int> topoSort(int V, vector<int> adj[])
// code here
vector<int> visited(V, 0);
stack<int> st ;

for(int i = 0 ; i<V ;i++){
topologicalSortDfs(i,visited,adj,st) ;

vector<int> ans ;
int topo = ;
st.pop() ;
ans.push_back(topo) ;

return ans ;