Dijkstra algorithm
This is an algorithm which helps to find the shortest path between two points in a graph.
Time complexity is O(E logV)
We will use a MIN priority queue to implement this algorithm
- There will be a distance array which will store the distance of adjacent node from current node
- Initially all the nodes will be marked with distance of infinity except the source node .
- Now push the source node in the priority queue along with the distance zero , becuase the distance of source node with itself is zero.
- Take out the ditance and current node from the queue
- Now check if the adjacent nodes have ditance greater than the distance from the current node
- store the minimum dist and weight in the priority queue.
Code for this algorithm :
class Solution
// Function to find the shortest distance of all the vertices
// from the source vertex S.
vector<int> dijkstra(int V, vector<vector<int>> adj[], int S)
// Create a priority queue for storing the nodes as a pair {dist,node}
// where dist is the distance from source to the node.
priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, greater<pair<int, int>>> pq;
// initialize the vector with max distance from source , so that
// initailly they are univisted
vector<int> distTo(V, INT_MAX);
// Source initialised with dist=0.
distTo[S] = 0;
pq.push({0, S});
// Now, pop the minimum distance node first from the min-heap
// and traverse for all its adjacent nodes.
while (!pq.empty())
int node = pq.top().second;
int dis = pq.top().first;
// Check for all adjacent nodes of the popped out
// element whether the prev dist is larger than current or not.
for (auto it : adj[node])
int v = it[0];
int w = it[1];
if (dis + w < distTo[v])
distTo[v] = dis + w;
// If current distance is smaller,
// push it into the queue.
pq.push({dis + w, v});
// Return the list containing shortest distances
// from source to all the nodes.
return distTo;