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Largest subarray with 0 sum

Problem Description: Given an array having both positive and negative integers. The task is to compute the length of the largest subarray with sum 0.

Input: arr[] = {15, -2, 2, -8, 1, 7, 10, 23}; Output: 5

Explanation: The largest subarray with 0 sum is -2 2 -8 1 7

Brute force :

class Solution{
public :
int maxLen(int arr[], int n){
int max_len = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int curr_sum = 0;
for(int j = i; j < n; j++){
curr_sum += arr[j];
// if curr_sum is 0, then update max_len
if(curr_sum == 0){
max_len = max(max_len, j - i + 1);
return max_len;

Time complexity : O(n^2)
Space complexity : O(1)

Lets discuss about the optimized approach -> What we can do is that we can use a hashmap to store the sum and the index of the first occurence of that sum. If we encounter a sum which is already present in the hashmap, then we can update the max_len if the difference between the current index and the index of the first occurence of that sum is greater than the max_len.

Lets take an example to see how this works :

arr[] = {15, -2, 2, -8, 1, 7, 10, 23};

sum = 15, index = 0
sum = 13, index = 1
sum = 15, index = 2
sum = 7, index = 3
sum = 8, index = 4
sum = 15, index = 5
sum = 25, index = 6
sum = 48, index = 7

Now, we can see that sum = 15 is repeated at index 5 and index 0. So, we can see that the difference between the current index and the index of the first occurence of that sum is 5 - 0 = 5. So, we can update the max_len to 5.

Code for the optimized approach :

class Solution{
public :
int maxLen(int arr[], int n){
unordered_map<int, int> mp;
int sum = 0;
int max_len = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
sum += arr[i];
if(sum == 0){
max_len = i + 1;
if(mp.find(sum) != mp.end()){
max_len = max(max_len, i - mp[sum]);
// if sum is not present in the map, then insert it at index i
mp[sum] = i;
return max_len;

Let's dry run the above code :

arr[] = {15, -2, 2, -8, 1, 7, 10, 23};

sum = 15, index = 0
mp[15] = 0

sum = 13, index = 1
mp[13] = 1

sum = 15, index = 2
max_len = max(0, 2 - mp[15]) = max(0, 2 - 0) = max(0, 2) = 2

sum = 7, index = 3
mp[7] = 3

sum = 8, index = 4
mp[8] = 4

sum = 15, index = 5
max_len = max(2, 5 - mp[15]) = max(2, 5 - 0) = max(2, 5) = 5

sum = 25, index = 6
mp[25] = 6

sum = 48, index = 7
mp[48] = 7

max_len = 5

Time complexity : O(n) Space complexity : O(n)